It's called a silent heart attack. It can happen to anyone, but diabetes makes you more likely to have one. You might not feel anything at all. Or it could feel mild, like heartburn or the odd ache or pain. It might seem so minor that you just shrug it off and think it's just part of getting older.
Symptoms of Silent Heart Attacks
Breaking out in a cold sweat or having clammy hands for no reason.
Feeling light-headed.
Feeling tired for no reason.
Pain in your jaw, neck, or left arm (especially common in women)
Stomach upset.
Shortness of breath, even when you haven't done much.
In brief, the cause of silent ischemia in the setting of diabetes seems to involve anatomic disruption of cardiac sensory nerve fibers.
Imaging tests are the only way to know if someone has had a silent heart attack. These tests include an electrocardiogram or echocardiogram.
Take home message: Periodic ECG is of paramount importance in diabetic patients.